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The undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. programs are open to students from all over the world. Currently, the enrollment of undergraduate students is 311, MS program 299, and Ph.D. program 33. The undergraduate program, which provides fundamental and professional courses for students aiming to understand the fundamental knowledge and practical skills of the electrical engineering, trains students to discover and solve problems, to cooperate with others in a project, and to understand the trends of industry. The master and Ph.D. programs, which provide academic training for students aiming to pursue an academic career in electrical engineering at higher education or research institutions, are tailor-made to suit students' different needs in their future academic research. With the guidance from the advisers, curriculums are designed to best fit students’ needs in their future research direction.

Application Deadline:




Spring (Not for Bachelors & Global Finance MS Program)


Early Action

Regular Action

Regular Action


December 31st

March 31st

October 31st



May 31st

December 31st





Please refer to OIA’s website for more details:

Language Proficiency: Basic oral and reading proficiency level in Chinese and intermediate/advanced level in English
Guideline for International Student Application:
In addition to application data, an interview via SKYPE or Phone will be required and arranged

Student applicants (for both Master and Ph.D. programs) could apply for the CCU scholarship covering tuition waiver and free on-campus accommodation. Competitive candidates could also apply for Research Assistant Funding (USD 200-330 per month, depending on respective advisory professor). PhD students will be given more research assistant
 funding. The average monthly living cost, excluding accommodation, in CCU is about USD 200 per month.

Prospective applicants should submit required documents to the university Office of International Affairs (OIA) as follows: application form, academic transcript, degree certificate and two recommendation letters. All the documents are  required to be written in English version. For more details of the application procedure, please visit the OIA website: https://oia.ccu.edu.tw/?Lang=en.

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